Is Coolsculpting Right For Me?

Is Coolsculpting Right For Me?

Over 32% of body fat is considered unhealthy for women. For men, more than 25% body fat isn’t ideal. While body fat is essential for protecting internal organs and insulation, too much fat can harm your health and self-esteem.

For these reasons, it is vital to consider getting rid of fat. But it can be challenging to lose fast with only diet and exercise. Luckily, you can consider CoolSculpting to reduce stubborn fat. While results aren’t immediate, you’ll notice a difference within a few months of treatment.

But how do I know if CoolSculpting is right for me? To learn more about this treatment, continue to read this comprehensive guide.

What is CoolSculpting?

CoolSculpting is an FDA-approved fat-reduction cosmetic treatment. It uses controlled cold temperatures to break down subcutaneous fat cells. But where can CoolSculpting be used?

This fat reduction treatment can help you get rid of fat in the following areas:

  • Arms
  • Back
  • Love handles
  • Double chin
  • Upper and lower abdomen
  • Outer and inner thighs
  • Underneath the buttocks

How Does CoolSculpting Work?

CoolSculpting uses cooling applicators on gel pads over treatment areas to break down fatty tissue. These devices extract energy from fat layers, causing fat cells to die. During the months after treatment, the destroyed fat cells go to the lymphatic system, where they’re removed as waste.

The treatment only kills the targeted cells, leaving surrounding nerves, tissues, and muscles unaffected.

Is Coolsculpting Right For Me?

Benefits of CoolSculpting

CoolSculpting has numerous benefits that make it a preferred choice for many people. Some potential benefits you don’t want to forgo include:

  • Non-invasive: Doesn’t require any incisions or injections
  • No downtime: There is no recovery time needed,, so you can return to your normal activities immediately
  • Minimal side effects: Most patients experience only mild, temporary discomfort during the treatment
  • Customizable: CoolSculpting treatments can be customized to target specific areas, allowing you to achieve the results they desire

What to Expect for the CoolSculpting Procedure

CoolSculpting can help you eliminate stubborn body fat. Here is how the process works:

Step 1: Consultation

Your healthcare provider will evaluate your health, weight gain or loss history, and body goals. They will also assess your fat to determine your eligibility for the treatment.

Step 2: Marking the Treatment Area

During treatment, your healthcare provider will make markings on the targeted areas. They will act as a guide for the placement of the cooling applicator.

Step 3: Gel Pad Application

The gel pad acts as a protective barrier between the cooling panel and the skin, helping to reduce the risk of skin irritation and injury. The gel pad also helps to improve the contact between the cooling panel and the skin, ensuring that the treatment is delivered evenly and consistently.

Step 4: CoolSculpting Procedure

The healthcare provider will perform the procedure using a handheld device with applicators that look similar to the nozzles of a vacuum cleaner. They will move the device over your skin while administering suction and cooling technology to the area with the fatty bulge.

You may experience intense cold as well as pulling and pinching sensations. But the effects will diminish after 5 to 10 minutes when the area becomes numb. Cooling of the subcutaneous fat layer occurs at about 30.2 and 39.2 degrees Fahrenheit temperatures.

This procedure can take up to 1-3 hours.

Step 5: Massage

Once treatment is done, the applicator is removed. Your healthcare provider will massage the treatment area for 2 to 3 minutes to help break down the fat cells.

Step 6: Recovery

Since the procedure is nonsurgical, it requires little to no downtime. You can get back to work as soon as possible.

How Much Does CoolSculpting Cost?

The typical cost ranges from $700–4,000. However, prices vary depending on the areas you want to treat and the number of treatments. The larger the treatment area, the more expensive the treatment.

If your treatment area has more fat, you may need more treatments. This means you are more likely to spend more money. When determining the price of your procedure, you should also consider other factors like the skill of the treatment provider and the geographic location.

Since it’s a cosmetic procedure, your insurance may not cover the costs.

Is CoolSculpting Worth the Money?

CoolSculpting is safe and effective. Once you go through the procedure, you should notice changes as early as three weeks based on the treatment areas. You can expect a 20 to 80 percent fat reduction.

The amount of CoolSculpting treatment sessions you may need to increase its effectiveness will depend on your body and goals. While one treatment may be good enough for some people, others may need up to four treatments.

Remember, the procedure only reduces fat but does not tighten the skin.

Does Coolsculpting Permanently Remove Fat?

The results should last indefinitely since the destroyed fat cells don’t return after treatment. But getting rid of existing fat cells won’t stop new fat cells from appearing.

Weight gain after the procedure can lead to forming new fat cells in the treated areas. To preserve the treatment results for longer, you must maintain a healthy diet and workout routine.

How Do I Know If Coolsculpting is Right for Me?

Wondering if CoolSculpting is right for you? You may be an ideal candidate if you:

  • Are in good health
  • Are bothered by unwanted fat deposits
  • Meet Coolsculpting BMI requirements—BMI of 30 or lower
  • Are 50 pounds overweight
  • Are actively living a healthy lifestyle
  • Aren’t interested in surgical and invasive procedures

Who Should Not Undergo CoolSculpting?

While the CoolSculpting procedure is FDA-approved, it is not for everyone. You should not undergo treatment if you:

  • Are obese
  • Are pregnant or breastfeeding
  • Are on long-term use of blood-thinning medications
  • Have a history of hernia
  • Have Raynaud’s disease
  • Have nerve conditions, like diabetic neuropathy
  • Have cryoglobulinemia
  • Have chronic pain conditions
  • Have cold urticarial
  • Have cold agglutinin disease
  • Have paroxysmal cold hemoglobinuria (PCH)
  • Have severe anxiety disorders

Whether or not you have these conditions, consult your doctor before going through the CoolSculpting procedure.

Get Rid of Stubborn Fat Today

Looking to eliminate stubborn fat? How do I know if coolsculpting is right for me? The guide above should answer all your questions about CoolSculpting. It’s non-invasive, safe, and long-lasting.

At Arria MedSpa in Montclair, New Jersey, we can help you destroy stubborn fat cells. Contact us to book an appointment.


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