How To Get Defined High Cheekbones Without Surgery

How To Get Defined High Cheekbones Without Surgery

Sculpt Your Cheekbones Without Surgery

Do you wish you had more defined, contoured cheekbones that give your face a heightened, model-esque look? While in the past, only plastic surgery could sharpen and lift the cheekbones, there are now effective non-surgical solutions. Advanced dermal fillers and thread lift techniques can shape and define the cheeks for a stunning transformation without the risks and downtime of surgery.

One leading provider of these minimally invasive cheek treatments is Arria MedSpa, located in Montclair, New Jersey. The team of expert professional healthcare practitioners offers the latest options to contour the midface.

Here, we discuss how injectable fillers and thread lifts can subtly yet noticeably enhance your cheeks.

Injectable Dermal Fillers

Dermal fillers add strategic volume to lift and sculpt the cheek area naturally. Popular options like Juvederm, Restylane Lyft, RHA, Belotero, and Versa work by filling in lost collagen and plumping the skin. With little to no downtime, injectable fillers offer immediate improvements that can last from 6 months up to 2 years.

The smooth gel fillers shape the cheeks and temples in a proportionate, balanced way and can create dramatic cheekbones, but the goal is beautiful, natural-looking results. In addition to contouring the cheekbones, fillers can reduce the appearance of under-eye hollows, folds, wrinkles and smile lines in the midface.

PDO Thread Lift

A PDO (polydioxanone) thread lift goes beyond injectable fillers to provide lifting and tightening effects. PDO is an absorbable suture material used for many years in medical procedures. It is injected under the skin like a stitch to provide anchor points that lift sagging tissue.
As PDO threads stimulate collagen in the cheeks, jowls and other areas, your natural supply of collagen slowly builds for firming effects that last. The minimally invasive procedure takes only about 30 minutes. While mild swelling, bruising or tenderness can occur, recovery is quick.

A thread lift achieves gradual tightening and lifting of the cheeks for up to two years as your body absorbs the bio-stimulating PDO material. The threads work to combat sagging skin and the downward pull of gravity. When combined with strategic filler injections, patients can realize a complete cheekbone transformation without surgery.

Why Choose Arria MedSpa?

With a location in Montclair, New Jersey, Arria MedSpa provides personalized contouring treatments in a warm, welcoming setting. The team combines the latest techniques with a refined artistic approach for beautiful, natural enhancements.

Arria MedSpa’s healthcare practitioners have advanced training and extensive experience with dermal fillers and PDO thread lifts. They carefully evaluate each patient’s facial structure, skin type and goals to develop a customized cheek treatment regimen for subtle yet defined results.

From your initial consultation to follow-up appointments, you can expect an outstanding level of care. Arria MedSpa helps patients look refreshed and radiant while still looking like themselves. Contact the Montclair office today to learn more about strategically defining your cheekbones without surgery.

If you are interested in a procedure more invasive, contact our Partner, The Plastic Surgery Group in Montclair, New Jersey.


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